Whole Protein Starter Guide

Thanks for your Whole Protein order! Here are a few recommendations.

  1. Try it first with water alone. We think one scoop to 10oz of water is about the right ratio. You'll be impressed by how easily Whole Protein blends/dissolves as you stir or shake. And it tastes great too!
  2. Consider combining with a packet of Emergen-C (we like orange best - it tastes like a creamsicle!). At least one study has shown that vitamin C can increase collagen synthesis, and you get some other micronutrients too.
  3. Need a boost? Some people like adding Whole Protein to their coffee. We've seen pretty different results with different types of coffee, so your mileage may vary.
  4. Want to try a smoothie? This is a great list of recipes for smoothie newbies. That said - we've found that over time most people settle on a pretty simple combination of frozen fruit (bananas, strawberries, and blueberries most often), water, and whole protein.

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